Dr. Alyssa is Advanced Proficiency Certified in Torque Release Technique (TRT), which has been proven through research to be one of the world's most specific, scientific chiropractic techniques. TRT provides members of all ages with some of the most gentle and reproducible chiropractic adjustments available. We utilize this technique to find the root cause of health issues; and because of that, we get to see life-changing results daily.


  • TRT is the first chiropractic technique of the new millennium and was designed as part of scientific research into the health benefits of chiropractic. It is a mixture of the top systems of chiropractic assessment and care. Research published in one of the most respected psychiatry journals showed dramatically increased success in reducing anxiety and depression levels, as well as improved measurements of well-being when TRT chiropractic adjustments were received.

    TRT focuses a lot of attention to the strategic and vital connection points between the spinal cord and spinal column. The adjustment is administered with the perfect amount of force, meaning no need for stretching to a point of tension followed by a manual thrust.

    TRT was not created for one specific condition, but specifically created out of random controlled trials for the purpose of increasing state of well-being and human potential.

  • One major advantage of the integrator is its ability to deliver a specific and gentle adjustment at a reproducible frequency. It does so at the nerve endings of the spinal column-at the exact location where nerve function has become “facilitated” (irritated). TRT is used to stimulate your nervous system (a “jump-start” for your body’s electrical system) in such a way that it will release and reduce tension, assisting your body to self-correct.

    The Integrator was the first FDA-approved Chiropractic adjusting instrument. It was created out of a research study that looked to produce the same precise adjustment each time with reliability between different examiners. The Integrator is a torque and recoil release adjusting instrument that combines the best of existing chiropractic techniques and principles, quantum physics and the body/mind connection, creating the first integrated chiropractic system. It reproduces the entire thrust and movement components of Toggle Recoil, the classic Chiropractic Method of adjusting by hand, at a speed of 1/10,000th of a second.

  • TRT allows us to fine tune the nervous system communication and signaling, much like the tuning of a guitar to produce the correct tune or sound. Everything that you have experienced in life has contributed to who you are today. The nervous system takes in, processes and records all of this. If our bodies experience nerve interference, or a lack of communication from the brain to the body, the body is then stuck trying to perform off of a malfunctioning platform. We need to unwind the former state of the nervous system in order to allow it to adapt and process from an optimally functioning platform.

    Through this researched technique, we know that there is only one area of the spine at any moment that creates the most neurological compromise. We locate this primary subluxation and correct it at the source to allow your body to have the fighting chance it needs to handle and adapt to every stress in life. 

    The interesting thing is that some of these subluxations are primary subluxations and some are compensations. In other words, some of these subluxations are causing other subluxations to occur. Through his research, Dr. Jay Holder, the founder of TRT, found that there are typically only 1-3 primary subluxations in your body and everything else is simply a compensation.

Attributes that make Integrator

adjustments powerful

  • 1. PRECISE

    Our Doctors can pinpoint the exact point on the spine that requires adjustment of nerve function.


    The force, frequency of energy, torque, and speed provided by the Integrator have all been tailor-made to deliver the perfect amount of energy to help normalize nerve function.

  • 3. GENTLE

    An Integrator adjustment can be delivered with the spine in a perfectly relaxed position with a controlled amount of force.

  • 4. FAST

    The incredibly fast but shallow impulse is one of the secrets to the effectiveness of this adjustment and the reason for it being so gentle.

  • 5. RECOIL

    Another one of the secret ingredients built into the Integrator is recoil: This bounce in the impulse increases the body’s nerve system response.

  • 6. TORQUE

    Subatomic particles, atoms, muscles, and human bodies all move in three dimensions: The three-dimensional impulse of the Integrator maximizes the effectiveness on the human body.


    The benefits of Integrator adjustments have been measured by scientific research and this research has been published in major peer-reviewed medical journals.


    The way that the Integrator delivers an adjustment is very consistent and reliable so that the right amount of force and energy is transmitted on each and every adjustment.


    The assessment, examination and adjustments that are used in TRT are standardized which means that several practitioners using the same method can deliver the same results and experience.


    The Integrator is patented for the correction of Subluxation and is the first device of its kind with an FDA accreditation.

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